Victims helping victims

ACVFFI Stands in Solidarity with Victims of Ronald Reagan Airport Tragedy

ACVFFI Stands in Solidarity with Victims of Ronald Reagan Airport Tragedy

The Air Crash Victims’ Families’ Federation International (ACVFFI), made up of associations and victims from the five continents, wishes to express its solidarity, support and affection to the victims and their families, in the hope that there are survivors, following the air tragedy that occurred at Ronald Reagan Airport in the United States.

Behind each of the people on board, both in the plane and in the helicopter, there is a story of dreams, of illusions, of families who are going through the most tragic hours of their lives and who need all the emotional, physical and material help they can get. That is why we are appealing to the authorities in the United States not to leave them alone, even when the lights go out, that today the world has stands at Ronald Reagan Airport.

For them… who are somewhere… always in our hearts.

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