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Press release on Foundation of ACVFFI

Press release on Foundation of ACVFFI

Today, the Air Crash Victims’ Families’ Federation International , ACVFFI, non-government organization non-profit, was established in Madrid. It was an initiative of three Founder Members; AirBlues Crash Affectees Association (ACAA), from Pakistan, Hinterbliebene der Opfer des Flugzeugabsturzes AF447 (HIOP AF447), from Germany, and Association of Affected of Flight JK5022 (AVJK5022),…
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ACVFG in HLSC 2015. Before ACVFFI.

ACVFG in HLSC 2015. Before ACVFFI.

ACVFG Air Crash Victims Families Group The ICAO ACVFG is composed of victims and associations from Spain, Italy, Pakistan, Germany, the United States, Brazil, France, Poland and other countries. ACVFG was basis of the creation of ACVFFI. On the occasion of the ICAO High-Level Safety Conference, HLSC 2015, Provisional Chairwoman of the…
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